Saturday 10 December 2011


Sultry, sassy, silken tones and incredibly classy, Sade at the Sydney Entertainment Centre was the first adult concert I have been to for years. Perhaps it was the intimate rapport Sade successfully achieved with the audience and her band. Perhaps it was the rhythmic movement and seamless background/foreground curtain/digital image set changes. Perhaps it was the inner city,'Sin City' style night scape interlude complete with narration that provided the atmosphere for an impeccable concert where special effects, light shows, massed choirs and multitudes of dancers were not required as distractions. The Nigerian diva and her musicians provided pure showmanship and such an enjoyable evening. It was all about Sade, her sensuousness, her youthful grace and her love of life, beautifully presented and a show I will not forget. Colour, empathy, subdued sadness in struggle and life existence

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